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Stay up to date with all the major projects going on at Mesa Fitness!
Fall 2023 - East Indoor Remodel
Mesa Fitness GJ
We are officially announcing our remodel project to provide a new home for Sunkiss'd Tan & Wellness and Recovery! Starting in Fall 2023, we will be remodeling our racquetball courts to be the new home for both amenities. This move will provide space for a new community partner to move into our current tanning salon later this fall!
Sunkiss'd Tan & Wellness will find a new home in what is currently Court 1 and Court 2, while recovery will get an updated look and expansion with a move into Court 3.
Check back here or visit our social media channels for updates throughout the project!
The New Mesa Fitness App
Both Mesa Fitness locations
Mesa Fitness launched it's first member-friendly app in 2020 and is revamping the experience for members with a new app in 2024.
With new membership management options, expanded capabilities with Personal Training, and so much more, this new app is worth the wait!
PROJECT: East Indoor Remodel
Update: 3/25/2024
A majority of the construction has been completed and the new flooring for the space has been installed.
The new Recovery Center will also be located in a larger space
We do not have an official opening date for the new location but are aiming for an opening date in May 2024.
Project Updates
Where can I get updates about the project?
We will be posting updates via our Instagram and Facebook pages (@mesafitnessgj) and on our website at
What do these changes mean for racquetball?
The racquetball courts at Mesa Fitness GJ will close as of August 10, 2023 to begin construction for our updated tanning salon. Members can utilize the courts until the end of day on August 10th and continue to utilize the racquetball at our Clifton location following the closure.
Why did Mesa Fitness decide to take out racquetball?
We are limited in our space here at Mesa Fitness and want to utilize the entirety of our facility to the best of our ability and to help the most members possible. This change allows us to make room for a local partner to help us better serve our community.
What if I am unhappy with these changes and want to cancel my membership?
Any member who wishes to cancel their membership due to the changes can do so. Please see the front desk for additional information.
Why move recovery?
Recovery is receiving a face lift with an expanded and updated facility and some additional amenities to help better facilitate your post-workout recovery efforts.
Will recovery have a loss in services?
Recovery services may have a day where they are closed in to move them into their new location. Our team will make sure to announce any temporary service interruptions should they occur.
Will tanning services stop during this time?
Tanning will operate as normal in its current location through the month of August and will reopen upon the completion of the new facilities inside of Mesa Fitness. Your membership will still be available to you at both our Grand Junction and Clifton locations.
Will my membership and packages still work at tanning when it's moved?
Yes, there will be no changes in your membership or packages following the move into Mesa Fitness.
If you have questions about your services or membership, please see the front desk at Mesa Fitness GJ for more information.
Projet FAQ
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